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Name CPT Codes
Immunoglobulin G (IgG), CSF (RPS) 82784

Abbreviation: IGGC

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIGGC

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Immunoglobulin M (IgM), CSF (RPS) 82784

Abbreviation: IGMC

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIGMC

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Lactic Acid, CSF (RPS) 83605

Abbreviation: LACTC

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YLACTC

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Total, CSF (ARUP via RPS) 83615

Abbreviation: CLD

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Specimen container

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YCLD

LOINC: 14803-1, 31208-2

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.2 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Reported within 24 hrs

Additional Information: ARUP # 0020505 SPECIMEN SOURCE MUST BE PROVIDED. Centrifuge to remove cellular material. CSF, Pericardial, Peritoneal/Ascites, Pleural, or Synovial fluid.

Lyme (Borrelia burgdorferi) Abs, Total, CSF 86618

Abbreviation: LYMCRPS

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS


LOINC: 6318-0

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Lyme (Borrelia burgdorferi) IgG/IgM Western Blot CSF (RPS) 86617 x2

Abbreviation: WBLC

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YWBLCR

Volume: 3 mL

Minimum Volume: 2 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel (RPS) 87483

Abbreviation: MEEP

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Screw Top

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMEEP

Minimum Volume: 0.4 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

NMO IgG, CSF (RPS) 86255

Abbreviation: NMOCSF

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YNMOCSF

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Orexin-A/Hypocretin-1, Spinal Fluid (MAYO via RPS) 83519

Abbreviation: ORXNA

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Sterile container

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YORXNA

LOINC: 91670-0

Volume: 1.5 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed monthly (Second Monday) / Reported 3-32 days

Additional Information: MAYO ID: ORXNA

Documents: Neurology Specialty Testing Client Test Request

Varicella Zoster (VZV) Antibody, IgG, CSF (RPS) 86787

Abbreviation: VZECSF

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated

Tubes / Containers: Default container

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YVZECSF

LOINC: 58755-0

Volume: 0.5 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed daily / Reported within 24 hrs

Additional Information: ARUP # 0054444 An approved NPL form must accompany specimen.

Documents: NPL Form

West Nile Antibody IgG & IgM, CSF 86788, 86789

Abbreviation: WNABC

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YWNABC

LOINC: 41236-1, 29569-1

Volume: 1.0 mL CSF in a sterile tube

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: Refrigerate up to 48 hours and then freeze.

Multiple Sclerosis Panel (RPS) 82040, 82042, 82784 x2, 83916

Abbreviation: MSPL

Specimen Type: CSF and Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST (1), Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMSPL

Volume: 0.4 mL serum AND 1 mL CSF

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL serum AND 0.8 mL CSF

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Oligoclonal Banding in CSF and Serum (RPS) 83916

Abbreviation: OLGNL

Specimen Type: CSF and Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST (1), Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YOLGNL

LOINC: 48668-8, 49852-7, 49293-4

Volume: 1.5 mL CSF AND 1 mL serum

Minimum Volume: 0.7 mL CSF AND 0.5 mL serum

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Acid Fast Stain, Modified (RPS)

Abbreviation: AFBSM

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Specimen Cup

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAFBSM

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: This test is not orderable as a stand alone test, it MUST be ordered in conjunction with an acid fast culture. Early morning urine or sputum in a sterile leak-proof container. Gastric aspirate, body fluid and tissue in a sterile leak-proof container. Store and transport refrigerated at 2-8 C.

AFB MIC Susceptibility Studies (RPS) 87186

Abbreviation: MICSS

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: None

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMICSS

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Blastomyces dermatitidis Antigen EIA (ARUP via RPS) 87449

Abbreviation: BDAE

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBDAE

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Bronchial Alveolar Lavage Cell Count and Differential

Abbreviation: BALCT

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Specimen Cup (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBALCT

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

CDC Send Out

Abbreviation: CDCSO

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: None

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YCDCSO

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA Detection/Quant., Specimens other than blood (RPS) 87496

Abbreviation: CMVDO

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Bone marrow, Bronchial wash/BAL/Sputum, CSF, Amniotic fluid, Body fluid, Urine and Tissue (fixed or snap frozen)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YCMVDO

Volume: 1 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Helicobacter pylori Breath Test (RPS) 83013

Abbreviation: HPUB

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: CRITICAL ROOM TEMPERATURE. Do not freeze. Protect bags from sharp objects and direct sunlight. Refrain from applying any external pressure on the Breath Sample Bags.

Tubes / Containers: Breath Test Kit IDkit Hp (TM) Two

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YHPUBR

LOINC: 29891-9

Volume: CRITICAL ROOM TEMPERATURE. Do not freeze. Protect bags from sharp objects and direct sunlight. Refrain from applying any external pressure on the Breath Sample Bags.

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed daily / Reported 1-4 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 3006271 CRITICAL ROOM TEMPERATURE. Do not freeze. Protect bags from sharp objects and direct sunlight. Refrain from applying any external pressure on the Breath Sample Bags. The patient should have fasted at least one hour before administering the solution and not have taken antimicrobials, proton pump inhibitors (e.g., Prilosec, Prevacid, Aciphex, Nexium), or bismuth preparations (e.g., Pepto Bismol) within two weeks prior to administering the test. For ages 3 and up.

Legionella Species by Qualitative PCR (RPS) 87541, 87798

Abbreviation: LSQPCR

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YLSQPCR

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: Transfer respiratory specimen: BAL, bronchial brushings, sputum, tracheal aspirate, or pleural fluid in a sterile container. Place nasopharyngeal swab in viral transport media.

Lyme Disease (Borrelia Species) by PCR, Tick (RPS) 87801

Abbreviation: BTICK

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Specimen Cup (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBTICK

Volume: Transfer one deer tick in 70% ethanol or in wet tissue.

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Species (Urogenital) by PCR (RPS) 87798

Abbreviation: MURTP

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Viral Transport Media (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS


LOINC: 31208-2, 6933-0, 51988-4, 68546-1, 69935-5

Volume: 1 mL urine or genital swab

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: Transfer genital swab or 1 mL urine in viral transport media

Nocardia Culture (RPS)

Abbreviation: NOCCU

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: None

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YNOCCU

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Tissue Culture, Quant

Abbreviation: TISQU

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: None

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YTISQU

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

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(308) 532-4700

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611 West Francis Street
North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

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