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Name CPT Codes
Itraconazole (RPS) 80299

Abbreviation: ITCNL

Specimen Type: Serum-No SST Drug Le

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Plain Red Top Tube (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YITCNL

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.6 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: Refrigerate up to 48 hours and then freeze.

Isopropanol Alcohol 84600

Abbreviation: ISPA

Specimen Type: SPB1

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YISPA

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Isohemagglutinin Titer, IgG & IgM (RPS) 86900, 86941 x2

Abbreviation: ISOT

Specimen Type: EDTA Whole Blood

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Purple Top Tube (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YISOT

Volume: 14 mL

Minimum Volume: 6 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Isocyanate TDI IgG (IBT 92320) 86001

Abbreviation: ITDIG

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Red top tube

Host Code: YITDIG

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Additional Information: IBT # 92320

Isocyanate MDI IgG (IBT 92720)) 86001

Abbreviation: IMDIG

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: IBT Laboratory

Host Code: YIMDIG

Isocyanate MDI IgE (IBT 92710E) 86003

Abbreviation: IMDIE

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: IBT Laboratory

Host Code: YIMDIE

Isocyanate MDI IgA (IBT 92730) 83520

Abbreviation: IMDIA

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: IBT Laboratory

Host Code: YIMDIA

Isocyanate HDI IgG (IBT 92820) 86001

Abbreviation: IHDIG

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Red top tube

Host Code: YIHDIG

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Additional Information: IBT # 92820

Islet Cell Antibody IgG (RPS) 86341

Abbreviation: ICAG

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YICAG

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Islet Antigen-2 (IA-2) Autoantibody, Serum 86341

Abbreviation: ISAG2

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated

Tubes / Containers: SST

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YISAG2

Volume: 0.5mL

Minimum Volume: 0.35mL

Tab Assignment: RPS SENDOUTS

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed MWF / Reported 2-10 days

Additional Information: Islet Antigen-2 (IA-2) Autoantibody, Serum

Iron Profile 83550, 82728, 83540

Abbreviation: FEPR

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST/CHEMISTRY SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YFEPR

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General, Labcorp

PSPC Testing Schedule: Daily

Additional Information: Profile Includes: Iron, UIBC, Ferritin, % Transferrin

Iron & Iron Binding Cap 83550, 83540

Abbreviation: IIBC

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST/CHEMISTRY SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YIIBC

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

PSPC Testing Schedule: Daily

Iron 83540

Abbreviation: FE

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST/CHEMISTRY SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YFE

LOINC: 2498-4

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

PSPC Testing Schedule: Daily

Ionized Calcium 82330

Abbreviation: CAI

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YCAI

LOINC: 1994-3

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: SST tube must be centrifuged and UNOPENED.

Iodine, Urine, Random or 24 Hour (RPS) 83018

Abbreviation: IDNE

Specimen Type: Urine-No preservativ

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: 24Hr Container, No Preservative (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIDNE

Volume: 30 mL

Minimum Volume: 8 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: Transfer urine aliquot to a Trace Element-Free Transport Tube.

Iodine, Serum (RPS) 83018

Abbreviation: IDNEP

Specimen Type: Royal Blue

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Royal Blue - No Additive (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIDNEP

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: Place serum from royal blue no additive into a Trace Element-Free Transport Tube.

Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody (RPS) 86340

Abbreviation: INTRF

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: RPS Serum (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YINTRF

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.25 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Interleukin-1-Receptor-Associated Kinase-4 (IRAK-4) Deficien 86353 x2, 83520 x3

Abbreviation: IRAK4

Specimen Type: Whole Blood

Storage Temperature: Room Temp

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIRAK4

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Interleukin 6 (RPS) 83529

Abbreviation: IKN6

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: SST (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIKN6

LOINC: 26881-3

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Interleukin 5, Serum (ARUP via RPS) 83520

Abbreviation: IL5S

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: CRITICAL FROZEN. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered.

Tubes / Containers: SST or plain red

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIL5S

LOINC: 33938-2

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.4 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Reported 1-4 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 0051533 CRITICAL FROZEN. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered. Ship in an ARUP Standard Transport Tube.

Interleukin 4 (RPS) 83520

Abbreviation: ILKN4

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: SST (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YILKN4

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Interleukin 2 Receptor (CD25), Soluble (RPS) 83520

Abbreviation: IKN2

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: SST (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIKN2

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Interleukin 2 ELISA (RPS ARUP 99230) 83520

Abbreviation: IL2EL

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Frozen - Serum (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIL2EL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Interleukin 2 (RPS) 83520

Abbreviation: ILKN2

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: SST (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YILKN2

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Interleukin 1-Alpha 83519

Abbreviation: IL1A

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YIL1A

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

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Pathology Services, P.C. Main Lab

1931 West A
North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

Pathology Services, P.C. Health Pavilion Lab

611 West Francis Street
North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

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