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Name CPT Codes
Antithyroglobulin AB (PSPC) 86800

Abbreviation: ATGAB

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YATGAB

LOINC: 8098-6

Volume: 0.3 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.25 mL

Tab Assignment: General

PSPC Testing Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Anti-U1 RNP Ab (RDL) (LCH 520034) 86235

Abbreviation: RNPAB

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated preferred; Frozen also acceptable.

Tubes / Containers: SST

Instrument / Location: LabCorp

Host Code: YRNPAB

LOINC: 53022-0

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL (Does not allow for repeat testing.)

Tab Assignment: Labcorp

PSPC Testing Schedule: Expected TAT: 5-7 days upon receipt of specimen at LCH

Additional Information: LCH # 520034 To avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please submit frozen specimens for each test requested.

AP NG Cytology, Body Fluid

Abbreviation: NG CYTO BDY FLD

Specimen Type: Prepared Smear

Storage Temperature: None

Instrument / Location: AP Non-Gyn Cytology

Host Code: Cyto-BdyFld

APC Resistance Profile Reflex to Factor V Leiden 85307

Abbreviation: APCRP

Specimen Type: Whole Blood & Plasma

Storage Temperature: None

Tubes / Containers: Purple Top Tube (1), Sodium Citrate Plasma (2)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAPCRP

Apixaban, Anti-Xa, Plasma (MAYO via RPS) 80299

Abbreviation: APIXA

Specimen Type: Sodium Citrate Plasma Frozen (Double Spun)

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Sodium Citrate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAPIXA

LOINC: 74214-8

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed M-F / Reported 1-3 days

Additional Information: MAYO Test ID: APIXA Specimen should be collected 2 to 4 hours (peak) after a dose or just prior (trough) to the next dose for apixaban concentrations. A double-centrifuged specimen is critical for accurate results as platelet contamination may cause spurious results.

Apixaban, Plasma (MAYO via RPS) 80375

Abbreviation: FAPIX

Specimen Type: Whole blood EDTA

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated

Tubes / Containers: Purple tube EDTA

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YFAPIX

LOINC: 72608-3

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.7 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Apixaban, Plasma (MAYO via RPS)

Additional Information: MAYO ID: FAPIX Plasma gel tube is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Genotyping, Alzheimer Risk (ARUP via RPS) 81401

Abbreviation: APOEG

Specimen Type: Whole blood

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Lavender (EDTA), Pink (K2EDTA) or Yellow (ACD Solution A or B).

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAPOEG

LOINC: 31208-2, 42315-2

Volume: 3 mL

Minimum Volume: 1 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: ARUP # 2013341

Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Genotyping, Cardiovascular Risk (ARUP via RPS) 81401

Abbreviation: APOCR

Specimen Type: Whole blood

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Lavender (EDTA), Pink (K2EDTA) or Yellow (ACD Solution A or B).

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAPOCR

LOINC: 31208-2

Volume: 3 mL

Minimum Volume: 1 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: ARUP # 2013337

Apple IgE (RPS) 86003

Abbreviation: APPLE

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAPPLE

LOINC: 6021-0

Volume: 0.5mL

Minimum Volume: 0.25mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday/ Reported 1-3 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 0099632

Apresoline (Hydralazine) (NMS 2308SP via RPS) 82491

Abbreviation: APRS

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAPRS

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Aquaporin-4 Receptor Antibody (NMO IgG) (RPS) 86053

Abbreviation: NMOGA

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YNMOGA

LOINC: 43638-6

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed M, T, Th by 6pm / Reported 5-8 business days

Additional Information: MAYO ID: NMOFS

Arbovirus Abs IgG/IgM (ARUP via RPS) 86651 x2, 86652 x2, 86653 x2, 86654 x2, 86789, 86788

Abbreviation: ARBOGM

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YARBOGM

Arbovirus Abs Profile, IgG (CSF) 86651, 86652, 86653, 86654, 86789

Abbreviation: AVAG

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAVAG

Volume: 4 mL

Minimum Volume: 1.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

Arbovirus Antibodies, IgG and IgM, CSF 86651 x2, 86652 x2, 86653 x2, 86654 x2, 86788, 86789

Abbreviation: AVAGM

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAVAGM

Tab Assignment: General

Arbovirus Antibodies, IgG, Serum 86651, 86652, 86653, 86654, 86789

Abbreviation: AVAGS

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAVAGS

Tab Assignment: General

Arbovirus Antibodies, IgM, CSF 86651, 86652, 86653, 86654, 86788

Abbreviation: AVAM

Specimen Type: CSF

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAVAM

Tab Assignment: General

Arbovirus Antibodies, IgM, Serum 86651, 86652, 86653, 86654, 86788

Abbreviation: AVAMS

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAVAMS

Tab Assignment: General

Arginine Vasopressin Hormone (ADH) (RPS) 84588

Abbreviation: ADH

Specimen Type: EDTA Plasma-FROZEN

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Frozen - EDTA plasma (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YADH

Volume: 6 mL

Minimum Volume: 2.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Aripiprazole (Abilify) (RPS) 80342

Abbreviation: ARIPI

Specimen Type: Serum-No SST Drug Le

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Plain Red Top Tube (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YARIPI

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Arsenic Fractionation, Urine, (Reflex from Heavy Metal Scree 82175

Abbreviation: ARSFU

Specimen Type: Urine-No preservativ

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: 24Hr Container, No Preservative (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YARSFU

Arsenic Occupational Exposure w/reflex, Random Urine(MAYO via RPS) 82175, 82570

Abbreviation: ARSOR

Specimen Type: Urine

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated

Tubes / Containers: Urine cup

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YARSOR

LOINC: 5586-3, 2161-8, 13463-5

Volume: 6 mL

Minimum Volume: 3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed Mon - Sat / Reported 1-3 days

Additional Information: MAYO Test ID: ARSOR

Arsenic w/reflex to Fractionated, Random Urine (ARUP via RPS) 82175

Abbreviation: ARSRF

Specimen Type: Urine, random

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated; Room temperature and frozen also acceptable.

Tubes / Containers: Trace Element-Free Transport Tubes (ARUP supply #43116)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YARSRF

LOINC: 2161-8, 5586-3, 13463-5

Volume: 8 mL

Minimum Volume: 2 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS S

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Reported 1-5 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 2011478

Arsenic, Urine, 24 Hr (RPS) 82175

Abbreviation: ASEP

Specimen Type: Urine-No preservativ

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: 24Hr Container, No Preservative (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YASEP

LOINC: 5587-1, 13362-9, 3167-4, 21074-0

Volume: 30 mL aliquot

Minimum Volume: 10 mL aliquot

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Arthritic / Collagen Disease Profile 84550;86140;86431;86038

Abbreviation: ARCLp

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST

Instrument / Location: Bill only profile

Host Code: YARCL

Volume: 6 mL

Minimum Volume: 4 mL

Additional Information: Test Includes: Rheumatoid factor, ANA, C Reactive Protein, Uric Acid

Arylsulfatase A, Urine (ARUP via RPS) 84311

Abbreviation: ARYLU

Specimen Type: Urine-No preservativ

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YARYLU

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

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1931 West A
North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

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611 West Francis Street
North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

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