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Name CPT Codes
Methsuximide (Celontin) (RPS) 80339

Abbreviation: NMES

Specimen Type: Serum-No SST Drug Level

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Plain Red Top Tube

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YNMES

LOINC: 10546-0

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: TAT 7 days

Additional Information: Performed at NMS Labs. Test code 2950SP

Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) Serum Quantitative (RPS) 83921

Abbreviation: MMASR

Specimen Type: Serum or plasma

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMMASR

LOINC: 13964-2

Volume: 0.5 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.25 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed Wednesdays by 0700 / Reported Thursdays by 1600

Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) Urine Quantitative (ARUP via RPS) 83921

Abbreviation: MMMAL

Specimen Type: Random or 24 hour urine

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate for up to 1 week and then freeze.

Tubes / Containers: Urine cup - No preservative

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMMMAL

LOINC: 2161-8, 2162-6, 32287-5, 25116-5, 19153-6, 30211-7, 48767-8

Volume: 4 mL

Minimum Volume: 1 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Reported 1-3 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 0083918 Transfer a 4 mL aliquot from a well-mixed 24-hour or random urine collection to an ARUP Standard Transport Tube and refrigerate or freeze immediately. (Min: 1 mL) Record total volume and collection time interval on transport tube and test request form.

Microalb/Creat Ratio, Urine 82043, 82570

Abbreviation: MCRR

Specimen Type: Urine

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Urine Cup (1), URINE CUP 1 (1)

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YMCRR

LOINC: 9318-7

Volume: 10 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

PSPC Testing Schedule: Daily

Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio, 12 or 24 hr Urine (RPS) 82043, 82570

Abbreviation: ALBUR

Specimen Type: Urine

Storage Temperature: None

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YALBUR

Microsporidia by PCR (ARUP via RPS) 87798 x2

Abbreviation: MICSPOR

Specimen Type: Stool

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Instrument / Location: RPS


Milk IgE (RPS Only) 86003

Abbreviation: MILK

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Stable room temp up to 4 hrs, Refrigerated up to 2 weeks, frozen for 1 year.

Instrument / Location: RPS Only

Host Code: YMILK

LOINC: 7258-7

Volume: 0.5mL

Minimum Volume: 0.25mL

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday/ Reported 1-3 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 00550020

Mint (Mentha Piperita), IgE (IBT 32510E) 86003

Abbreviation: MINTE

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Room Temp

Instrument / Location: IBT Laboratory

Host Code: YMINTE

Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

Mitochondrial (M2) Antibody, IgG (RPS) 86381

Abbreviation: AMIT

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: RPS Serum (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YAMIT

LOINC: 14251-3

Volume: 0.5 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), Whole Genome Scan and ID 83891, 83898 x40, 83903 x40, 83904 x16, 83912

Abbreviation: MTDNA

Specimen Type: EDTA Whole Blood

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: RPS-Lavender (2)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMTDNA

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Mitotane, Serum or Plasma (ARUP via RPS) 80375

Abbreviation: MITOSP

Specimen Type: Serum or Plasma

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated Also acceptable: Room temperature or frozen

Tubes / Containers: Red Top tube

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMITOSP

LOINC: 13626-7

Volume: 1 mL serum or plasma

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performance varies / Reported 7-10 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 2013014

Mold Mix 2, IgG (IBT 12320) 86001

Abbreviation: MMX

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Room Temp

Tubes / Containers: SST SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: IBT Laboratory

Host Code: YMMX

Volume: 0.5 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.35 mL

Tab Assignment: General

Molybdenum Quant, Serum or Plasma (RPS Only) 83018

Abbreviation: MOLYBD

Specimen Type: Serum or Plasma

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated, for up to one month.

Tubes / Containers: Royal blue (no additive), Royal blue (Na2EDTA), or Royal blue (k2EDTA) acceptable.

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMOLYBD

LOINC: 5698-6

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.6 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performance varies / Reported 3-11 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 0091280 Test is not performed at ARUP; separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered.

Monoclonal Gammopathy (RPS ONLY) 82784x2;0077U

Abbreviation: QMPSS

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated preferred; frozen acceptable both up to 28 days. Room temp stable for 7 days

Tubes / Containers: SST

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YQMPSS

LOINC: 98855-0, 74862-4, 74863-2,74864-0, 74865-7, 74866-5, 74897-3, 94400-9, 69048-7, 2458-8, 2472-9, 2465-3

Volume: Two- 1mL aliquots

Tab Assignment: RPS SENDOUTS

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed Monday-Friday / Reported 2-4 days

Additional Information: Aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of monoclonal gammopathies, when used in conjunction with free light chain studies This test alone is NOT considered an adequate screen for monoclonal gammopathies.

Monoclonal Protein Study, 24 Hr Urine (MAYO via RPS) 84156, 84166, 86335

Abbreviation: MPSU

Specimen Type: Urine

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMPSU

Volume: 50 mL

Minimum Volume: 25 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Mononucleosis, RPS

Abbreviation: MSPOT

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMSPOT

Morphine Free (Unconjugated), Fluid (RPS) 80361

Abbreviation: MFUFR

Specimen Type: Body Fluid

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Sterile Container (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMFUFR

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.7 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Morphine Level (RPS) 80301, 80356

Abbreviation: MORP

Specimen Type: Serum-No SST Drug Le

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Plain Red Top Tube (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMORP

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 1 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Motor & Sensory Neuropathy Eval

Abbreviation: MSNE

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: Specialty

Host Code: YMSNE

MPL Mutation Detection 81339

Abbreviation: MPLMUT

Specimen Type: EDTA Whole Blood

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Purple Top Tube (1), Purple Top Tube (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMPLMUT

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

MRSA by PCR, Nasal (ARUP via RPS) 87641

Abbreviation: MRSANS

Specimen Type: **** E Swab ONLY ****

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated

Tubes / Containers: **** E Swab ONLY ****

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMRSANS

LOINC: 72887-3

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Reported 2-3 days

Additional Information: Please call lab for specific swab. Any Red top culturettes received will be sent for Culture in place of PCR.

Documents: ARUP # 3002032

MRSA Culture (RPS) 87081

Abbreviation: MRSCU

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMRSCU

Additional Information: Throat, nose, rectal recommended; any site or fluid is acceptable.

MTB Amplified Direct

Abbreviation: TBAPR

Specimen Type: Specimen

Storage Temperature: Room Temp

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YTBAPR

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

MTHFR DNA Analysis 81291

Abbreviation: MTHF

Specimen Type: EDTA Whole Blood

Storage Temperature: Room Temp

Tubes / Containers: Purple Top

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMTHFN

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Mucopolysaccharides Screen, Random Urine (RPS) 83864 x2

Abbreviation: MPSSR

Specimen Type: Urine-No preservativ

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Urine Cup (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YMPSSR

Volume: 20 mL

Minimum Volume: 10 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

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North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

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611 West Francis Street
North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

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