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Name CPT Codes
Benzodiazepines, Urine Quant (ARUP via RPS) 80347

Abbreviation: BENZO

Specimen Type: Urine

Storage Temperature: Room Temp

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBENZO

Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG, IgM, IgA (RPS) 86146 x3

Abbreviation: BET2

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBET2

Volume: 0.5 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Beta 2 Transferrin (Fluid) (RPS to Mayo) 86335

Abbreviation: B2T

Specimen Type: Body Fluid

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YB2T

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Beta Globin (HBB) Gene Sequencing (ARUP via RPS) 81364

Abbreviation: BGSEQ

Specimen Type: Whole Blood

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated

Tubes / Containers: Purple top tube (EDTA) or Yellow Top Tube - A or B

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBGSEQR

LOINC: 66746-9, 21689-5

Volume: 3 mL

Minimum Volume: 2 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performance varies / Reported 3 weeks

Additional Information: ARUP # 3004547 Submit with Order: Patient history for Hemoglobinopathy/Thalassemia Testing and recent CBC.

Documents: Patient History for Hemoglobinopathy/Thalassemia Testing

Beta HCG, Quantitative 84702

Abbreviation: BHCG

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: 3 days Refrigerated, Frozen 12 months

Tubes / Containers: SST/CHEMISTRY SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YBHCG

LOINC: 45194-8

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

PSPC Testing Schedule: Daily

Beta HCG, Tumor Marker 84702

Abbreviation: BHCGTM

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: 3 days Refrigerated, Frozen 12 months

Tubes / Containers: SST/CHEMISTRY SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YBHCGTM

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

PSPC Testing Schedule: Daily

Beta Hydroxybutyrate (RPS) 82010

Abbreviation: OHBET

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YOHBET

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies, IgG & IgM (RPS) 82146 x2

Abbreviation: B2GM

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: After separation from cells: Ambient: 48 hours; Refrigerated: 2 weeks; Frozen: 1 year (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles)

Tubes / Containers: SST SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YB2GM

Volume: 0.5 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibody, IgA (RPS) 86146

Abbreviation: B2GA

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated

Tubes / Containers: SST

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YB2GA

LOINC: 21108-6

Volume: 0.5 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Reported 1-2 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 0050324

Beta-2 Microglobulin (RPS) 82232

Abbreviation: B2MG

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST/CHEMISTRY SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YB2MG

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Beta-2-Microglobulin, Urine (ARUP via RPS) 82232

Abbreviation: B2MU

Specimen Type: Urine

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Specimen Container

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YB2MU

LOINC: 2161-8, 13485-8, 2756-5, 1953-9

Volume: 3 mL

Minimum Volume: 1 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed daily / Reported within 24 hrs

Additional Information: ARUP # 0080432 Transfer one 3 mL aliquot from a well-mixed random collection to an ARUP Standard Transport Tube. If pH is greater than 8, lower pH to 6-8 by adding 1M HCL. If pH less than 6, increase pH to 6-8 by adding 5% NaOH. Titrate with appropriate preservative until pH of 6-8 has been reached. Record the pH on the transport tube and test request form.

Bicarbonate, Urine (RPS) 82374

Abbreviation: UBICA

Specimen Type: Urine

Storage Temperature: ****Frozen**** Ambient: Unacceptable; Refrigerated: Unacceptable

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YUBICA

Volume: 4 ml

Minimum Volume: 2 ml

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: Immediately upon collection, mix and transfer 4 mL urine to a standard transport tube. (Min: 2 ml) Do not expose to air.

Bile Acids, Total (RPS) 82239

Abbreviation: BILA

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST (1)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBILA

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Additional Information: Patient should fast for 8 hours prior to collection.

Bilirubin, Direct 82248

Abbreviation: DBIL

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST/CHEMISTRY SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YDBIL

LOINC: 1968-7

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

PSPC Testing Schedule: Daily

Bilirubin, Total 82247

Abbreviation: TBIL

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: SST/CHEMISTRY SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: COBAS 6000

Host Code: YTBIL

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

PSPC Testing Schedule: Daily

Bird and Mold Precipitin Panel II (IBT 401708P) 86331 x12

Abbreviation: BMPP2

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Room Temp

Tubes / Containers: SST SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: IBT Laboratory

Host Code: YBMPP2

Volume: 1 mL

Tab Assignment: General

Bismuth, Blood (ARUP via RPS) 83018

Abbreviation: BISMU

Specimen Type: Whole blood

Storage Temperature: Room temperature or refrigerated also acceptable

Tubes / Containers: Royal Blue w/K2 EDTA

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBISMU

LOINC: 8161-2

Volume: 7 mL whole blood

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Reported 1-3 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 0099478

BK Virus (BKV) Quant, Blood (RPS) 87799

Abbreviation: BKVQB

Specimen Type: EDTA Plasma

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Tubes / Containers: Purple Top Tube

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBKVQB

LOINC: 32284-2, 44805-0, 48767-8

Volume: 1 mL or One 5 mL EDTA tube also acceptable

Minimum Volume: 0.75 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed M-F / Reported 24 hours

Additional Information: May be stored and/or transported for up to 24 hours at 2-25° C prior to plasma preparation.

BK Virus DNA Detection and Quantitation, Urine (RPS) 87799

Abbreviation: BKDOT

Specimen Type: Urine

Storage Temperature: Frozen

Tubes / Containers: Sterile container

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBKDOT

LOINC: 41480-5

Volume: 2 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed Mon-Sat / Reported within 24 hrs.

Additional Information: Can be shipped ambient or frozen Monday - Friday; if ambient, must be received at Viracor within 96 hrs.

Black Eyed Pea/Cow Pea (IBT 41410S) 86003

Abbreviation: BEPEA

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Room Temp

Tubes / Containers: SST SERUM (1)

Instrument / Location: IBT Laboratory

Host Code: YBEPEA

Volume: 0.5 mL

Tab Assignment: General

Blastomyces dermatitidis Abs by EIA w/reflex to Immunodiffusion, Serum (ARUP via RPS) 86612

Abbreviation: BDABR

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerated

Tubes / Containers: SST

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBDABR

LOINC: 16471-5

Volume: 1 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Reported 2-5 days

Additional Information: ARUP # 3000236 Mark specimens plainly as acute or convalescent.

Blastomyces dermatitidis Abs by Immunodiffusion (ARUP via RPS) 86612

Abbreviation: BLAAB

Specimen Type: Serum

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBLAAB

Blastomyces dermatitidis Antigen EIA (ARUP via RPS) 87449

Abbreviation: BDAE

Specimen Type: Default

Storage Temperature: Refrigerate

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBDAE

Tab Assignment: RPS Sendouts

Bleeding Diathesis Profile, Limited (MAYO via RPS) 85246, 85670, 85291, 85240, 85730, 85610, 85379, 85384, 85397, 85390, 85366

Abbreviation: BDIAL

Specimen Type: Plasma

Storage Temperature: None

Tubes / Containers: Sodium Citrate Plasma (8)

Instrument / Location: RPS

Host Code: YBDIAL

Blood Culture (Pathology Serv) 87040

Abbreviation: BLCPS

Specimen Type: Whole Blood

Storage Temperature: Split 1

Tubes / Containers: Blood Culture (1), Blood Culture (1)

Instrument / Location: BacTec A

Host Code: YBLCPS

LOINC: 600-7

Tab Assignment: Microbiology

PSPC Testing Schedule: Performed everyday / Negative at 5 days

Additional Information: One aerobic and one anaerobic blood culture bottle for adults or one pediatric bottle.

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North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

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611 West Francis Street
North Platte, NE 69101
(308) 532-4700

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